Building upon the background and experience of Dr Krish, the KCG care foundation charity has been set up with the intention of contributing to the wider community. We aim to build strong partnerships with our sponsors in order to create meaningful and long lasting impact across the areas we work in.
Everything we do, is focussed on charitable services, as we strive to improve the lives of those who need the assistance. Our mission is to bring hope, comfort and relief to the homeless, the elderly, children or anyone with a disability or disadvantage.
Dr. Krishnan Satkunam
Executive Chairman
Dr. Krish is a qualified medical doctor who has worked previously within a variety of different hospital environments, he founded Krinvest Care Group in 2004 to set up residential care homes and nurseries, this has led to more specialized hospitals for adults with mental health issues. Dr Krish has a passion for charity and at the heart of Krinvest care group, all our people are united by a passion for the world and its people to have better lives and to make a difference.